About Me

- LovelyLadii
- San Diego, CA, United States
Name: Thuy
Age: 22 years old
Status: Married to Quang
Occupation: Student & Quang's wifey :] <3
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 13th
Its 1:11am for my hubby's time ^^, make a wish.
Is there one day. . where you'll forget me? Would my face fade along with old age? My heart tightens at the thought. What to do, what to think. I wish to read into your thoughts. See into the deepths of your heart. Time will always exist. Though long. . . and forever lasting.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
School's Almost Over
So. School's almost over and there are still many things to be done. I took my SAT2 yesterday. It was hard >.> lol, but I'll live. I'm pretty relaxed at this moment of my life. But I'm sure I won't be by tomorrow. There are somethings that I am sooo over with. :] I hate to break it to those that want to bring me down, but I hold all the cards to play a mean game. I enjoy competition as much as anything else in my life. Yesterday could've been called for the 2nd worse day in my life. But I lived through it, and didn't let it get to me. I actually was sitting in the sun listening to my ipod and enjoying those moments to myself. While I thought about things. I shouldn't care. & I don't care. lol. It's a win. Sorry for bad first impressions, but I didn't live to be part of your expectations. I have mine. Ones that are much higher then what you can ever expect out of me. And this is what makes me win. Because I'm s t r o n g e r, and you're just playing in the dark now ;].
Let the summer begin.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thoughts #3
I miss you Anh.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thoughts #2
I don't know. I guess I understand this is how he feels, when I'm at school or out. There are too many thoughts can run through a person's mind. Sad ones, happy ones, or even .. lonely ones.
He'll be gone for a few days, but I feel like a piece of me is missing more then it already is. It reminds me of when he moved to Georgia, or when I escaped away to Vietnam for 3 weeks. Memories of how great it felt to be in contact at least with one person you love. Especially the one you love most is special.
I honestly envy many couples, who have the chance to embrace their lover, or just to see their love smile. I still have to wait. While others abuse and destory what little or any love that can be created between two human beings. I can't tell him enough, how much I love him each day. Even when we're together and spending time. I miss him dearly. I know when we'll be together in each other embrace and I'll have my head on his chest catching his fragile heartbeats. I'll still miss him. Because...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thoughts #1 (5/5/09)
Anyways, I'm pretty much sick and tired of running into things, I don't want to deal with. Especially people that think they're the time of day. Sorry to inform you, but you're not the topic of my life. So. Fall back. All I can personally say is, it's been badluck ever since Saturday -.-. Seriously, I need a break, life is stressing me out if I have to deal with petty things.
But yeah, my day has been very long and tiring. Not sleeping soon as usual. I need to finish my photography stuff soon. I have the walk for hope this Saturday. My calender is listed on my damn myspace. So, if anyone happens to run into me, please, I can personally say. " I was here first." It takes patiences and control. Either I become the bigger person and play nice, or become the monster that certain indiviuals claim me as. Oh, I'll enjoy being the b*tch too.
But yeah, I miss him lots, :/. Hubby is sick :[ lol, hopefully he'll feel better soon. I just hate that I'm missing another weekend to do school related stuff. And not be with him. Good thing summer is coming up, I'm really over school. College needs to come soon. I can stress then. Anyways time to finish up homework, and read for class then bed.
Thuy a.k.a Angel
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The SAT (5/2/09)
"It's like flipping through old journals, skimming through old pictures. They're all faded." - Thuy
Monday, April 27, 2009
How do I feel about Testing?
Love always,
Thuy a.k.a Angel
P.S. I miss my silly hubby a lot :/ . I'm thinking about you <3 :[ & I love you so ^^
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Why does this remind me of Xanga?
I'm pretty bored right now. Despite the fact that I should be studying, I'm going to blog a bit. This whole thing x.x reminds me of xanga. A place to express and talk and talk D;. Anyways, I love to design. I plan to take a career on it. Anything designed by me go under Angel Productionz ©, but my brushes that are used, are found on http://www.deviantart.com/ . Any pictures that show up later on will be found on either that site, yahoo search images, photobucket. Or any where else stated.
- Thuy a.k.a Angel