About Me

- LovelyLadii
- San Diego, CA, United States
Name: Thuy
Age: 22 years old
Status: Married to Quang
Occupation: Student & Quang's wifey :] <3
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
School's Almost Over
So. School's almost over and there are still many things to be done. I took my SAT2 yesterday. It was hard >.> lol, but I'll live. I'm pretty relaxed at this moment of my life. But I'm sure I won't be by tomorrow. There are somethings that I am sooo over with. :] I hate to break it to those that want to bring me down, but I hold all the cards to play a mean game. I enjoy competition as much as anything else in my life. Yesterday could've been called for the 2nd worse day in my life. But I lived through it, and didn't let it get to me. I actually was sitting in the sun listening to my ipod and enjoying those moments to myself. While I thought about things. I shouldn't care. & I don't care. lol. It's a win. Sorry for bad first impressions, but I didn't live to be part of your expectations. I have mine. Ones that are much higher then what you can ever expect out of me. And this is what makes me win. Because I'm s t r o n g e r, and you're just playing in the dark now ;].
Let the summer begin.