About Me

My photo
San Diego, CA, United States

Name: Thuy
Age: 22 years old
Status: Married to Quang
Occupation: Student & Quang's wifey :] <3

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Giveaway comments

I feel really awkward x.x commenting everyday for the molds. ;-; I hope I'm not spamming either. ;-;. I'll just be very thankful if I win, but I'd still be happy if someone got the chance to win it. :) Haha ^___^. I usually don't have good luck with giveaways, lottery (I usually get a ticket for new years for good luck :o) or any spinning wheel things at volunteer events. D:

But yes. I hope Miss Julie and the other comment-ers will forgive me for the spamming ._.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Little of This and That
It's been forever since I've been on here. x.x, and it's really confusing. Please follow this blog: "http://juliesbits.blogspot.com/" for great tutorials and lovely giveaways. :)